IL MUSLIMS REPORT: Needs, Opportunities & Demographics

The IL Muslim Civic Coalition, the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU), and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) partnered with key sponsors and grantors to develop a historic evidence-based demographics, needs, and assets report of Illinois Muslims. The findings of this report will be available in July 2022.

Why a Research Report on Illinois’ Muslims?

Illinois is home to the largest per capita population of Muslims in America, yet there has never been an evidence-based assessment of this diverse and complex community’s demographics, needs, and assets. 

A snapshot of Illinois’ Muslims is a snapshot of America’s Muslims.

The report, one-pagers, and marketing will help those working to strengthen and build a more just and equitable Illinois, impacting philanthropic, social, civic, and business outcomes for decades.

 The American Muslim story is not new. It reaches back over 400 years to enslaved Africans brought to the colonies. 

Today, Illinois Muslims are one of the most diverse communities in America. They are Black, White, Arab, South Asian, African Immigrant, Latino, and Mixed Race.

86% of American Muslims are citizens. American Muslims are among the most likely to live at or under the poverty line, but also likely to have strong social mobility, and high net worth families. 

Muslims in America are some of the most productive healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, and educators, yet also suffer from deep unemployment. 

Altogether, Muslims are at the intersection of a myriad of overlapping demographics. Their needs and assets are critical to understanding the American as well as the American Muslim economic and cultural landscape. 


Project Goals and Impact

Amidst the backdrop of a pandemic that disproportionately affects minority communities, systemic racial inequities, a political climate with increasing hate and discrimination, and a global refugee crisis that particularly impacts new Americans and American Muslims, there is an urgency to this initiative. Understanding the needs of diverse residents is critical for financial institutions, policymakers, businesses, employers, funders, journalists, and others.  

Modeled after ISPU’s Bay Area Study, we examined the needs, assets, challenges, opportunities, and demographics of Illinois’ Muslims and all racial groups that overlap.

Planned Outputs and Dissemination

Modeled after ISPU’s Bay Area Study, we are examining the needs, assets, challenges, opportunities, and demographics of Illinois’ Muslims and all racial groups and backgrounds that intersect.

A full report detailing the findings of the research and evidence-based recommendations

An executive summary distilling key findings

Short videos distilling key findings that can be shared widely and virtually

Key takeaway one-pagers with fact/data and graphics

The report, findings, and recommendations will be widely shared through in-person or virtual events, roundtables, and outreach to community leaders/members, elected officials, local media, educators, corporations and all stakeholders.

The Research and Researchers

The Il Muslim Civic Coalition is a partnership of activists, influencers, and organizations that collaborates and amplifies social and civic efforts toward an equitable and representative America. Recognizing the vital role of research in these efforts, we are partnering on this project with:

  • The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU), provides research and education on American Muslims to support well-informed dialogue and decision-making. 

  • UIC Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement, which supports and conducts research on vital public issues.


December 2019 - December 2021: Procure funding

December 2020 - December 2021: Report Data Preparation, Survey, Focus Groups  

December 2021: Initial Analysis/Report 

Early 2022: Report production, dissemination and outreach

Partnership Request

Ensure the Illinois Muslims Survey is shared with your communities and networks and join the Task Force to provide input and support.

Sponsorship Request  

Initiative Total Cost: $210,000

Sponsorship Levels: $10,000 or higher for Organizations and $5,000 or higher for Family/Individual

Sponsors will review and provide input at each stage of the initiative

Sponsors will be listed in this historic report and all marketing materials

Current Sponsoring Organizations

Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA)

The Field Foundation

Bank of America

IL Muslim Civic Coalition

University of Illinois at Chicago

ISPU – Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

Waraich Family Fund

Pillars Fund

Affinity Health

MAC Corporation

The Chicago Cubs

Zakat Foundation of America

Movement Voter Project


The Chicago Community Trust

CIOGC Zakat Chicago

The Mecca Center

Current Sponsoring families and individuals

Mazen Asbahi and Lena Shahbandar

Faraz and Reema Kamran

Zaher Sahloul and Suzanne Akhras

Yousuf and Dilara Sayeed

Mohammad Shamim Mozaffar Fund

Safaa Zarzour and Family

To Partner or Sponsor, please call 630-640-1865 or email