Initiative 3: Building Civic Leadership Capacity — Muslim Civic Coalition

Initiative 5: Building Civic Leadership Capacity


Public Leaders for Inclusion Fellowship

The Coalition partners with America Indivisible on the Public Leadership for Inclusion Council (PLC) fellowship.

The Public Leaders for Inclusion Council (PLC) is a leadership development program that equips public servants in elected, appointed, and professional positions to explore practices and policies that challenge anti-Muslim racism and other forms of hate while building inclusion and social resilience in their communities.

Participating leaders serving in municipal, county, and state levels of government are provided with a range of professional development opportunities, including:

  • An inaugural two-day summit in Washington, D.C., featuring workshops, educational sessions, and networking opportunities with civic organizations at the forefront of combating anti-Muslim discrimination and promoting a more inclusive and pluralistic nation.

  • Five monthly virtual seminars with leading advocacy organizations and thought leaders on how to address and counter racism against Muslims and those perceived as Muslim from Arab, Black, Sikh, and South Asian communities.

  • Ongoing support from America Indivisible’s staff in brainstorming and implementing programs and policies that focus on the needs of each PLC member’s particular communities and constituencies in regards to countering anti-Muslim racism.

  • Eligibility for funding to host a roundtable on efforts to counter anti-Muslim racism and to promote inclusion and pluralism in their communities. Grantees also receive organizational and outreach support to convene these events and engage with community partners.

  • Opportunity to publish in forthcoming America Indivisible publications.

After the conclusion of the PLC, our participants reported the following:

  • 79% of respondents are confident in consulting credible sources of information when faced with questions related to religious practice/observance, including holidays of local religious communities. 

  • 79% of respondents are confident in responding to anti-Muslim bigotry and racism when expressed by a government agency or officially in my community. 

  • 71% of respondents are confident in defining Islamophobia and identifying it when it happens.

In the past four years, PLC members represented 27 states, including Washington, D.C. we hope to continue to expand our reach to more states across the country. 

Candidate and Political Staff Training

The Coalition partners with New Americans Leaders to provide annual candidate and staff training.

We believe the immigrant experience is a valuable asset in civic leadership. New Americans Leaders’ Ready to Lead® curriculum, thoughtfully designed by New Americans, shows trainees how to message, fundraise, and embrace one’s heritage to become a successful candidate. During the training you will:

  • Write a compelling stump speech rooted in values

  • Learn grassroots fundraising tactics from other elected officials

  • Practice messaging techniques and pivoting strategies

  • Engage with New American leaders from across the country

Our support to help people like you get elected and appointed does not end at Ready to Lead®. As a Ready to Lead® alum, you will have access to one-on-one coaching. Through individualized support, you will be prepared to declare your candidacy.

Collective National Civic Learning Sessions and Briefings

Since 2020, Coalition leaders and sector experts have been providing workshops to help organizations start with systems and sustainability or to help organizations with their next phase of growth with fully operational systems, processes, resources, and mentoring.

The Coalition has also provided briefings, templates, and support to other state and national organizations doing civic work. We are the only organization to consistently identify, draft, organize, and help pass laws year after year. Our resources are open source and our team experts are available to consult.

Civic Justice Organizations - Operations Support

The Coalition provides support as a fiscal or organizational sponsor. 

Your organization’s mission and scope may be social services, religious services, schools, etc. To help support and supplement Civic Justice efforts in specific instances (which we all have to do somehow), the Coalition sponsors or provides micro-grants up to $5,000 to help your team provide Civic Justice activities such as voter engagement and turnout, education on new laws, briefings with public officials, hire a Fellow to coordinate this work, etc.   

Civic Appointments

Since 2018, the Coalition has developed a database of experts across the region ready to be appointed to boards and commissions. Then the Coalition works with partners and allies to ensure our diverse communities have a pipeline to leadership. 

Email and let’s set up a time to talk!