Dr. Sam (Saeeda) - live cooking presentation with holistic living education
Sr Aisha Mamsa - speaking about the magnificence of Dhul Hijjah, Hajj, and Eid ul Adha
Monday, July 20th
Between 2 pm - 5 pm
Via Zoom
Dr. Sam (Saeeda) - live cooking presentation with holistic living education
Sr Aisha Mamsa - speaking about the magnificence of Dhul Hijjah, Hajj, and Eid ul Adha
Monday, July 20th
Between 2 pm - 5 pm
Via Zoom
Muslim Civic Coalition is a partnership of hundreds of Changemakers and Organizations from across the state and nation.
Muslim Civic Coalition c/o Impact House
200 W. Madison St., Suite 300, Chicago IL 60606