During this blessed month of Ramadan, Governor J.B. Pritzker has officially signed the Halal Kosher Bill (“Faith By Plate Act”) into law.
This bill has been three years of community input and relentless advocacy by the Muslim Civic Coalition team and volunteers, co-sponsor Agudath of Israel, and all our allies and partners across the state. We thank Our Creator - and we thank you!
This is
1. The Right Thing to Do.
2. A Model for the Nation
3. Smart Business
What we do:
Check out the Civic Pulse Podcast!
Ali and King: Champions of Civic Justice
Get a beautiful poster of Muhammad Ali and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Coalition led our state's Muhammad Ali Day - and now we are helping other states pass this great bill.
Make a one-time contribution of $50+, or a recurring contribution of $50+/month and we’ll send you this beautiful limited print poster!
Muslim Civic Coalition is a partnership of hundreds of Changemakers and Organizations.
Our mission is to Educate, Collaborate, and Amplify on social and civic efforts with diverse races, faiths, and communities towards Civic Justice!
Civic Justice means…
Laws are made for us - and with us
Public officials understand us - and more look like us
Our data and stories - drive action towards Equity
At our core, the Coalition is an Education and Community Organizing entity - both within our community, and to build an inclusive and more just society across the US.
Sharing America’s diverse stories AND providing key community data DRIVES actions towards equity and justice
American Muslims have always been part of the American story.
American Muslims have diverse racial, ethnic, political, professional, class, and religious identities.
Where does your story intersect on the timeline?
US Senate Unanimously Passes the Wadee Resolution
You are more likely to have a neighbor who is Muslim in Illinois than in any other state
Illinois has the largest and most diverse American Muslim per capita population in the US
A snapshot of Illinois Muslims is a snapshot of America's diversity